National Meeting of Private Childcare Providers to Discuss Budget 2017 Proposals
All private childcare providers from across the country welcome to Athlone meeting
Private Early Education Providers (PEEP), the independent representative members group of private childcare and early education providers, will hold a national meeting to discuss Budget 2017 proposals to introduce new government childcare schemes in September 2017. The meeting will take place in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath on Saturday 12th November at 10.30am.
Regina Bushell, PEEP Chairperson said, “I would strongly encourage private providers to attend the meeting if at all possible. Substantial changes to childcare provision and government funded childcare schemes were introduced under Budget 2017 that will have a very significant impact on all providers of childcare and early education across the country. It is imperative that our opinions on these changes are heard and understood if the new schemes are to be successful and sustainable.”
“For example, the second free pre-school year and the announcements of two new childcare schemes, the Single Affordable Childcare Scheme and the Universal Childcare Scheme, is welcome news for children and parents. However, this will put increased pressure on childcare providers to cater for resulting demand. As long as remuneration from government to providers remains low, providers will be unable to attract and retain the numbers of high calibre staff needed to make these schemes a success,” Regina continued, “The current capitation rates simply do not cover the costs incurred by providers to run such schemes. Like all businesses, childcare providers have a range of costs including maintenance, insurance, rates and salaries. Increasing the level of capitation to providers of ECCE and other government schemes must be reviewed as a matter of urgency in order to ensure the sustainability of these very popular initiatives.”
“The government funded schemes involve a huge amount of administration and reporting – all of which is not paid for. Budget 2017 has made some attempt to rectify this by announcing an investment of €14.5million to pay for some ‘non-contact time’ on top of existing capitation payments. This equates to a small step in the right direction but a lot more to do. Come along on 12th November to discuss these issues and others effecting the sector, and make your voice count!” concluded Regina.
The meeting is free to PEEP members. A fee of €25 applies to non-members to attend the meeting. Booking is available online here.
The full agenda for the meeting will be posted on the PEEP website four days prior to the meeting. Annual PEEP membership costs €100 which covers administration and marketing of the organisation.
PEEP was formed in May 2016 to represent the views of private providers in delivering childcare and early services under the government schemes. The organisation aims to ensure that members are informed about government policy and that providers have an independent voice at the table where decisions affecting the sector are made. PEEP holds a seat at the National Collaborative Forum for The Early Years Care and Education Sector with Minister Zappone. The ultimate goal of the group is the provision of high quality childcare right across the country in a manner that is sustainable and workable for all concerned.
For more information about PEEP, email