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Seas Suas, formerly PEEP (Private Early Education Providers), was established in 2016 to give a voice to Ireland’s independent early learning and care (ELC) providers who, for too long, have been frustrated by the Government’s lack of consultation with the sector.

To date, more than one hundred and twenty ELC providers across Ireland have joined Seas Suas, which is independent of Government and funded by members.


Seas Suas presently 2021 has seats on many stakeholder group within the DCEDIY including Workforce Development, Career Pathways, School Age Childcare ,New Funding Model for the sector. We are also are an advisor to Minister O Gormon on sector challenges during the Covid pandemic. We are on numerous national forums, and we continue to work in gaining recognition and respect for our sector while having a strong working relationship with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. We work with other sector organisations to bring positive change and reform for career opportunities for our valued  staff , affordability for parents while ensuring the voice of the employers who are providers of ECCE , schoool age childcare and fullday care continues to be heard. 




Meet The Team

Regina Bushell


Conor Lynch


Robert Leeney


Get access to exclusive membership content by signing up to Seas Suas today! 

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